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World Refugee Day Protest

BRING THEM HERE - CLOSE THE CAMPS - FREE THE REFUGEES For close to five years Australia has had more than 2000 innocent people, many found to be refugees and owed protection, locked up in its off shore detention hellholes of Nauru and Manus Island. This prolonged detention is slowly destroying lives. There have now been twelve unnecessary deaths in Australia's offshore detention hellholes. The latest was on Friday 15th June when severely depressed Fariborz Karami, a 26 year old Iranian man, took his own life. This comes only weeks after Salim, a 52 year old Rohingya refugee who fled genocide in Myammar, ended his life on Manus Island. The so called "USA deal" is not a solution. Even if it was implemented in full, around 800 people would be left behind to rot in these hellholes. It also discriminates against nationalities subject to Donald Trump's "Muslim ban" and it is moving at a glacial speed. It's time Australia faced up to its responsibilities under UN refugee conventions and bring all refugees and asylum seekers to Australia and provide them with permanent protection. The Refugee Action Collective is committed to campaigning for humane and welcoming refugee policies. We want both Liberal and Labor to commit to ending mandatory detention; closing Manus and Nauru; giving fair assessments and permanent protection. Please join us as make these demands on this World Refugee Day

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